The program is made up currently of seven thematic sessions which are presented in different ways. The sequence of the sessions recommends the chronological order of presentation, as the content builds on previous presentations.
Apart from the sequence, there is great flexibility in the use of the content. The use of content can vary and be adjusted to the time available to faculty or trainor.
It is always possible to return to previous videos, graphics and text as necessary. While there are podcasts and videos, faculty can lecture on their own, using the lecture notes and slide shows or PPTs which are provided adding to the content as they see fit. Slides can be printed if desired for reference and for discussion of terms.
The training is practical and also abbreviated but hopefully effective and memorable. Again, the training does not pretend to be a fully developed course, but one that initiates the learning that can be continued, hopefully, through life.
Content and Methodology
Because we think of democracy as a conversation, we encourage group discussion which will engage students in an exchange of their thoughts and insights. The question in the first session is not just “What is democracy” but “What does democracy mean to you?” If the number allows, the discussion can be be done by the entire class.
Group discussion is key to the entire training. It makes sure that participants feel free to talk, express themselves, but also to listen to others. So make sure that you engage them on this level. No correct or wrong answers. The points raised should be noted so that you can apply to future discussions, make references to it as you move forward. Such references are encouraging to the participants and may draw them to a deeper level of exchange.
Engaging everyone
But Faculty must take care that everyone is engaged, even if not everyone gets to speak, they know that they may be called upon and will concentrate more on listening.
Faculty can call on individuals to respond with questions: “What do you think of that?” “Do you agree – or disagree?” “Does anyone wish to add to what (name) said?” “What about…(adding some thoughts related to what was said?)
This discussion time can be as long or as short as the schedule permits. But even 10 minutes can serve to get them going. It is suggested as a way of drawing out ideas from students, also getting them in the mode of discussion, verbally expressing themselves.
Discussion in the first session is highlighted. But as you move on through the modules, the mentor or teacher can decide whether the discussion can be used at the end of the session.
We suggest that the class be given a chance to ask questions or comment at the conclusion of the session.
Lecture texts are brief. These focus on core points.
Program concentrates on the following:
- Democracy as a system of government and as a way of life.
- Role of media in democratic society
- Rule of Law and Human Rights
As an introductory course, the sessions will not take up everything about the subject.
The main lecture and SLIDESHOW are designed to fix the learning: including definition of terms and statement of ideas which the trainor should master as this will enable her to expand on the ideas with other examples.
You will find that the VIDEO/SLIDESHOW portions animate the essence or core points.
Faculty is free to add to the content, elaborate, expand and exemplify as desired.
QUOTES are recommended for memorization and may be dramatized in other ways by Faculty:
Faculty should say more about who said the words, the occasion in which these were uttered and the historical background involved. Any way that can enhance the significance of the quote is encouraged. Program encourages the sharing of more quotes.
Example: People Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of Their Government. Governments Should Be Afraid Of Their People.
A quote taken from Alan Moore’s comic series “V For Vendetta”, which was later made into a movie. Has been found in T-shirts and other paraphernalia. Was used by students in Thailand as they gathered to have their voices heard.
Quotations are a learning tool. It is also a way of embedding ideas in memory that can help an individual to relate to the message emotionally, enhance the learning through time.
Faculty may ask students to find quotations that help express any idea better for them and share these with the class.
Also, faculty can encourage translating the quotes to the language of the heart.
Links to more content from CMFR and to other readings on the subject of democracy, the media and human rights. Supplementary readings and links are provided for anyone who wishes to pursue the subject in greater detail. There is a lot of literature available. But we have concentrated on more practical approaches, rather than theoretical discourse of democracy, the role of media in society and the requirement for rule of law and human rights in a democracy.